
Mastering Healthy Boundaries: The Art of Saying Yes to Yourself


Are you exhausted from constantly adjusting your limits to please others? Do you feel guilty just thinking about saying no or putting yourself first? Say Yes to Yourself in 8 weeks with our compassionate boundary setting course. Regain your energy and sense of self. Take away the communication tools and boundary setting techniques you need to stop contorting your needs and start thriving. Register for Mastering Healthy Boundaries: The Art of Saying Yes to Yourself today!

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SKU: HealthyBoundaries Category:


Do you say yes to everyone but yourself?

Are you exhausted from constantly agreeing to requests?

This 8-week online course will guide you to transform draining people-pleasing patterns, master the art of upholding compassionate yet firm boundaries, and reconnect with your buried gifts in the process.

When: Wednesdays starting January 10, 24 at 6:15pm EST


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